What Can I Acquire In Alexandria, Virginia For $300,000?
One of the things that Will Nesbitt enjoys about selling real estate in Alexandria is that Nesbitt Realty can pay a buyer's rebate to each and every one of our clients in the City of Alexandria. Consider the prices and pictures of this property at 6135 Edsall Rd #M. Indeed, you will be shocked by what this dwelling has for the right buyer.
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What Quality Of Condo Can I Get In 22304 in the City of Alexandria For $250,000?
Do you know want to learn more about owning and buying real estate in the 22304 in Alexandria area? Will Nesbitt can help you with a home like 6141 Edsall Rd #O, but these facts can prove useful as well.
The Alexandria Area Elements
The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 65 days.
The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,733 sqft. Conversely, 6141 Edsall Rd #O has 965 sqft of living area.
The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $460
. But, 6141 Edsall Rd #O is $275 per sqft.
Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 45 years. 6141 Edsall Rd #O is 49 years old.
Indeed, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Conversely, this data will change. What is true and accurate today, 04/10/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the Alexandria area or for information about homes such as 6141 Edsall Rd #O.
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Andrew is a local real estate agent and works hard everyday in and around homes in 22304.
6135 Edsall Rd #I is an interesting property with a lot of potential. But it's not important to me that you buy this property, or any particular 3-bedroom condo in Alexandria. It's more important to me that you do what's right for you.
Nesbitt RealtyContinue reading
Buying real estate in the Alexandria area like 6145 Edsall Rd #H for most people is the largest money event most residents of Alexandria, Virginia will ever make. Not to mention, as a personable real estate sage, Monika Ortiz will be your defender who understands the informational and emotional support that buyers need throughout the process of your home purchase. Indeed, there are always dangers in 22304 in the City of Alexandria real estate. On the other hand, a patient sage like Monika can help you to manage or avoid many of the dangers associated with buying a residence in 22304 in the City of Alexandria.
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Acquiring real estate like 6137 Edsall Rd #K will probably be the single biggest transaction most Americans will ever make. What is more, as a knowledgeable real estate professional, Stuart Nesbitt knows the instructive support and emotional reliability that buyers need when seeking and purchasing a condo. Furthermore, there are other risks which can be challenging to overcome. But even so, a real estate professional like Stuart can manage and overcome dangers associated with buying a condo in 22304 in Alexandria.
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1-bedroom Unit/Flat-style Place :: Alexandria VA 22304
There's a lot to love about this condo in 22304 in the City of Alexandria. But is 6139 Edsall Rd #C the most suitable residence for you? There are an almost unlimited number of variables in play.
Some of your considerations may include:
Do you need a handicap accessible home? Or maybe, you like steps? Do you need a handicap accessible condo? Or maybe, you like steps? How much can you afford? Does your pre-approved price limit have any room to move up or down?
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Should you make an offer buy 6145 Edsall Rd #A? It could be. On the other hand, you have to ask yourself these questions.
Can you afford $200,000? Is it actually worth $220,395 or $199,405? Are you searching for a $209,900 2-bedroom 1-baths place of residence in 22304 in Alexandria? Do you need 1 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $535 on this real estate purchase? Contact Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the specialists on Alexandria real estate.
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Some Basics About Homes Advertised For Sale In The City of Alexandria
Here’s some basic datas about real estate in 22304 in Alexandria. Ultimately, the value of a property can be very subjective. But still, you can compare and contrast these facts with the basic data about 6141 Edsall Rd #D to help measure market value.
Real Estate Reasons About The Alexandria Area
The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 47 years. 6141 Edsall Rd #D is 48 years old.
The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $422
. Nevertheless, 6141 Edsall Rd #D is $266 per sqft.
The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 46 days.
The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,551 sqft. Nevertheless, 6141 Edsall Rd #D has 753 sqft of living area.
Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
4600 Duke St #508 is the least expensive home in the Alexandria area. 4600 Duke St #508 is listed for $1,650. However, 7979 E Boulevard Dr is the highest-priced home in the Alexandria area. 7979 E Boulevard Dr is asking $60,000,000.
Actually, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Still, this data will change. What is true and accurate today, 06/29/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty for the latest real estate information from the Alexandria area or for about information about condos not unlike 6141 Edsall Rd #D.
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Are you worrying about buying real estate like 6139 Edsall Rd #A in 22304 in the City of Alexandria?
In addition, you might not have enough money for a down payment on a conventional loan. On the other hand, Will Nesbitt has resources that can provide alternative financing with little or no money down. Of course, there are many problems to avoid and overcome. But, a real estate professional not unlike Will Nesbitt has the answers and can help reduce your angst from the buying process.
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