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4116 Mangalore Dr #303, Annandale Real Estate Dispatch

Can You Buy A 2 Bedroom Colonial In 22003 in Fairfax County For $200,000?

So, is 4116 Mangalore Dr #303 the residence for you? Maybe. Can you afford $219,900? Is it actually worth $251,000 or $149,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $584 on this purchase? Are you dreaming about a 2-bedroom home in 22003 in Annandale? Do you need 1 full baths and 0 half baths? Do you have a specific need in Fairfax County? Stuart Nesbitt can help. Continue reading "4116 Mangalore Dr #303, Annandale Real Estate Dispatch"
Open post

4114 Mangalore Dr #403, Annandale Real Estate Dispatch

What Can I Get In Annandale, Virginia For $200,000?

Acquiring real estate like 4114 Mangalore Dr #403 will probably be the biggest monetary matter an individual from Fairfax County will make. Moreover, as an established agent, Julie Nesbitt is a strong champion that appreciates the instructive support and emotional reliability that shoppers need if seeking $215,000 properties in 22003 in Fairfax County and acquiring a home like 4114 Mangalore Dr #403. Indeed, there are always pitfalls in 22003 in Annandale real estate.  But even so, a responsive Realtor like Julie is able to assist you to manage or avoid many of the dangers  associated with buying a home in 22003 in Annandale. Continue reading "4114 Mangalore Dr #403, Annandale Real Estate Dispatch"
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